Guidelines for Authors

The British Naturopathic Journal publishes research papers on Naturopathy and closely allied subjects as well as critical reviews, discussion papers, case studies, opinion pieces, and brief communications. Contributors may also submit material suitable for the main editorials.

Book reviews, abstracts from learned papers, letters and news items are included as available.

If in doubt about the suitability of an article it is best to discuss your ideas with the editorial board.

Contributors are free to express their personal opinions, but publication does not imply that the editor or the British Naturopathic Association endorses such views.

Although animal experiments may be referred to in reporting scientific papers, the BNJ does not approve of such research.
Articles for publication should not exceed 3,000 words. Where illustrations are included the word count may need to be reduced. Text for publication should be sent to The Editorial Board by using the contact form. If the board approves you will be asked to submit any figures, charts or images by email. Please send pictures/illustrations as jpegs.


The text for articles should be kept as simple as possible i.e. no underscoring (underlining) of words, CAPITALISATION of whole words, use of bold text, or italics, or text enhancements for effect, such as the use of tabs. If available please use the journal text (10pt Times Roman).

Research papers and review articles should be submitted, whenever possible, in the traditional style of Abstract, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Discussion, Conclusion or Summary as applicable. Special attention should be given to the abstract as this may be used on established health and medical databases worldwide.


The BNJ tries to keep referencing as simple as possible. For short research reports and brief communications please provide references as follows, Name of journal in full (or accepted abbreviation), year of publication, volume number, issue number (in brackets), first page number i.e. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2002, 166 [2] 1530.

For full-length research reviews please preface the reference with the authors (or the first named author) and the title of the paper i.e. Jones K, Smith M, Naturopathic treatment for irritable bowel disease, BNJ, 2003, 20, [4] 105.

The preferred style for books is author, book title, publisher, place of publication, year of publication. i.e. Adam Smith, Naturopathic Practice, Hamilton Books, London, 1902.


The BNJ follows the guidelines set down by the Society of Authors. Unlike many publishers, it does not require authors to transfer the whole of their copyright to the BNJ. It follows the principle of shared copyright. This enables authors to re-publish their original material at a later date in other publications and formats. This also enables the BNJ to protect against copyright infringements by others.
The author’s material may also be published at a later date in the BNJ archives which are currently on the website of the British Naturopathic Association. The present policy is to allow open access to certain articles only in these archives.
