The 4th International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine ICNM 2017 will take place in London, between 30th June and 2nd July,2017, at the prestigious Millennium Gloucester Hotel in the heart of the city.
The global Annual Conference gathering over 600+ world experts is organised in collaboration with the British Naturopathic Association BNA and the GCRN. The Congress will have a strong focus on the future of Natural Healthcare in the wake of increase consumer demand for access to Natural Medicine.
ICNM 2017 is the world’s major annual Natural Medicine congress attended by over 600+ influential and inspiring healthcare experts who are dedicated to improving patient care. Attendees have the opportunity to network with the finest Naturopathic practitioners coming from more than 55 countries and update their knowledge and skills learning from 30 internationally recognised Keynotes & Speakers.
Book your place now

We are pleased to announce that the planning for the 3rd International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine ICNM 2016, 1-3 July, Barcelona, Spain, is now underway.
2016 Theme: Global Patient Care: Preventing Chronicity Naturopathically.
BNA Members are eligible for a discount on the delegate rate – save the date.

While it is not yet a compulsory part of membership, members of the General Council and Register of Naturopaths are encouraged to complete continuing professional development (CPD) relating to naturopathy every year. The BNJ publishes articles about CPD and links to relevant events. If any member would like to submit an article on CPD or a link to an event, please ask an editor for author privileges on this site. If any non-member would like to submit an article or link, please send it to the editorial board. The BNJ does not guarantee to publish all submissions, or they may be edited for content, grammar and spelling.
The British Naturopathic Journal is published by the British Naturopathic Association